Details have emerged about how Oprah landed her much-anticipated interview with disgraced athlete Lance Armstrong. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
It's official, Lance Armstrong is coming clean.
Oprah Winfrey talked about her much-anticipated interview with Armstrong in which he admits being a doper.
“He was pretty forthcoming. I think the most important questions and answers that people around the world were waiting to hear were answered. At the end of it, after two-and-a-half hours, we were both exhausted,” Oprah said.
Appearing on CBS This Morning, Oprah said the interview will surprise people.
“I will say there were a couple of times he was emotional but emotional doesn't begin to describe the intensity or the difficulty that I think that he experienced in talking about these things,” she said.
The interview is causing a sensation.
Now, INSIDE EDITION is learning the behind-the-scenes story of how the interview came together. Oprah first arranged a top-secret get-together with Armstrong at her home in Maui over the holidays.
"I had guests in the house. Everybody has to leave. Go to the beach, go to the beach, now. Go to the beach for four hours.' I had people in the house who usually I have help, or do the lawn, I removed all those people."
For years, Armstrong has repeatedly denied doping. Now, with his confession to Oprah, the blowback is fierce.
Jordan Schultz, a sports columnist for The Huffington Post, told INSIDE EDITION, "You look at Lance Armstrong, one of the things that he has always been known to do is play the P.R. game. If he is able to protect his image and improve it, he could potentially get reinstated with several sponsorships."
ABC News correspondent Christine Brennan raised an intriguing question on Good Morning America about the testicular cancer that Armstrong famously battled.
Brennan said, “He did admit that he started doping in the mid 1990's, that would be pre-cancer, before cancer. Leading to the question many of us had, 'Did the doping actually cause the cancer?'"
On The Talk, Sharon Osbourne expressed mixed feelings about Armstrong. She said, "Let's not forget all the good this man has done. He has raised millions, and millions for cancer, but he should have fessed up when he was first asked, 'Are you taking?' He could have saved everything."
Oprah's interview with Armstrong will air on her OWN network over two nights beginning Thursday.