Prince Harry is opening up about his life as an Apache helicopter pilot and fighting in the front lines of Afghanistan. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
It is a rare look at Prince Harry’s life as an Apache helicopter pilot fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan as he allowed television crews to film him overseas.
The prince said, "This is my office, for all of us it is quite cramped. I am 6'2," my knees are pressed up against here. But I’m not complaining."
As the helicopter gunman, it's his job to pull the trigger, and kill enemy fighters.
The prince lives like any other officer on the base. He has a messy bed, a far cry from Buckingham Palace, and he eats in the cafeteria with the other men.
He admits, "This is my bed, I don't really make it when I am here."
Harry also spoke for the first time about those now notorious photos of him partying in Las Vegas last year.
He said, "I was in a private place, and there should be some expectation of privacy."
Harry was in Afghanistan when his sister-in-law, Kate, announced she was pregnant.
He said, "Obviously I’m very happy for them. I can't wait to be an uncle."