INSIDE EDITION spoke to the mother of a boy who killed his Neo-Nazi father at point blank range.
INSIDE EDITION has obtained exclusive video of Jeff Hall, the Neo-Nazi who was murdered by his own 10-year-old son, leading a Nazi rally in his Southern California home.
It was a house filled with hate and with children, including Hall's son, Joseph. Just 12 hours after the video was taken of Hall at the rally, Joseph shot his dad execution style.
Many are asking if living with a Nazi prompted the boy to pull the trigger.
The boy's mother, Leticia Neal, exclusively told INSIDE EDITION that she's shocked, but not surprised that her son is a killer.
"You put a child into a violent place like that for so long, you can't really expect much more," she said.
Prosecutors said Jeff Hall, an unemployed plumber, held a Nazi meeting inside their home on a quiet street in Riverside, California, and later passed out drunk on the couch.
They said about four in the morning, his 10-year-old son, Joseph, grabbed one of his dad's guns, a 357 magnum, aimed it at point blank range, and then pulled the trigger.
So where was Leticia?
Unbelievably her ex-husband, a gun-toting, white supremecist, was granted sole custody of Joseph when he was four.
Hall was a leader of the NSM, The National Socialist Movement, one of the largest neo-Nazi organizations in the country. His modest home in Riverside was the west coast headquarters of hate.
The NSM shamefully stitched a swastika and the stripes of the American flag together to create their own flag of hate. During their Sunday afternoon meeting to plan a raid on the Mexican border, they even found the time to celebrate a comrade's birthday.
At one point Hall even took other children into a darkened bathroom to show off his glow in the dark t-shirt with Nazi insignia.
At Joseph's juvenile court murder trial, prosecutor Michael Soccio called the boy a danger to society, and said he even once tried to strangle a teacher.
"He started hurting people physically at three-years-old in ways most people would never think of, and he is dangerous," he said.
When asked if she thought her son was a danger, Leticia said, "I wouldn't necessarily say danger."
Public defender Matthew Hardy said the little boy claimed he pulled the trigger to stop his dad from beating him and his sisters.
"He thought he was justified in killing his father because he wanted to stop the violence and he wanted to protect his family," Hardy said.
But a juvenile court judge said Joseph knew right from wrong and convicted him of second-degree murder.
He's now 12 and will be sentenced next week either to a juvenile prison or to a psychiatric hospital until he is 25.
His mother worries that if Joseph goes to prison he'll come out a hardened criminal.
"I think he needs to get put in a child's hospital where he can get the help and the treatment that he needs," she said.