Shirley MacLaine has spent a lifetime in the spotlight, while her daughter remained unknown to the public. INSIDE EDITION speaks with the Oscar-winner's daughter.
Shirley MacLaine is a living legend, currently starring on the superhot TV series Downton Abbey.
Before that, MacLaine had a decade's-long film career that included her Oscar winning role in Terms of Endearment.
But did you know that Shirley MacLaine had a daughter?
Sachi Parker is the only child of Shirley MacLaine, and boy does she have a story to tell. She's written the book, Lucky Me: My Life With And Without My Mom Shirley MacLaine.
Sachi says her mother shipped her off to Japan when she just two years old to live with her father, hollywood producer Steve Parker.
Parker told INSIDE EDITION's Diane McInerney, "I missed her a lot."
McInerney asked, "Why did she leave you?"
"She was young and Hollywood was beckoning. I think she thought that Japan would be a better place to have my raised," said Parker. "I would see her once a year in the summer."
Sachi Parker says everything in the book is true. And while she doesn't have a relationship with her mother now, she hopes to one day.
McInerney asked, "Do you still love her?"
"I adore her," said Parker.
Shirley MacLaine says the book is all lies.