Bones star David Boreanaz publicly announced that he has cheated on his wife after he says a former mistress asked for money. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
He cheated on his wife, and now he's going public with the news.
David Boreanaz, star of the Fox TV series Bones, confessed to, "Our marriage has been tainted with my infidelities."
He has been married to Playboy playmate Jamie Bergman for nine years.
Boreanaz says he's confessing to head off what he says is a shakedown attempt by a former mistress.
"She asked for money," he said. "I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion."
Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents the unnamed woman, denies her client was involved in a shakedown.
"Male celebrities who have been unfaithful to their wives sometimes like to portray themselves as the victims," Allred told INSIDE EDITION.
As for Boreanaz and his wife...he told, "We're working on repairing what has been damaged so badly."
The couple has two children.