6-Year-Old Dies After Being Hit by Badminton Racket Shaft in Freak Accident While on Vacation

“We can’t imagine life without ‘Lucy-goose,’” the 6-year-old’s father, Jesse Morgan, wrote in his blog.

A 6-year-old from New Jersey was fatally injured in a freak accident while playing badminton.

Lucy Morgan and her three siblings were playing badminton in a front yard while on vacation in Maine.

As her 10-year-old brother swung his racket, the aluminum shaft came apart and struck Morgan in the head, piercing her skull. The incident was unintentional, authorities said.

The 6-year-old’s father, Pastor Jesse Morgan, said on his blog that his family of six was enjoying a “beautiful” morning at the lake cottage on the last day of their vacation when the incident occurred.

“We were eating a quick lunch by the lake and the kids decided to try badminton in the front yard,” Jesse said in his blog. “Bethany and I were relaxing in the back when we heard screaming.”

Lucy was rushed to the hospital. She died four days after the accident.

“We can’t imagine life without ‘Lucy-goose,’” Jesse wrote.

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