Popularity Escaped Even A-list Celebs At High School Prom

Even celebrities lost out on popularity contests at their high school proms. INSIDE EDITION takes a look back.

While high school student Jake Davidson waits to see if Kate Upton will go to prom with him, INSIDE EDITION thought it would be fun to take a look back at other celebrity prom dates.

The first lady, a teenaged Michelle Obama, went to prom back in 1984. Her date was a guy named David Upchurch. He's now a customer sales representative in Colorado, and he said, "Barack Obama is a lucky man."

A fresh-faced Sarah Palin wore a red dress to prom long before she ran for office. The cute dude who took her to prom is none other than Todd Palin, the man she would later marry. They were high school sweethearts.

Brad Pitt  may not have been the sexiest man alive when he went to prom, but he was definitely good looking.

George Clooney went to prom with his good friend Laura Laycock in 1978. She said no one had a crush on him back then.

Tom Cruise went to prom with his high school sweetheart, Nancy Price, in Glenridge, New Jersey back in 1980.

When asked if girls were very impressed by him, Price responded, "No, not at all."

Taylor Swift was already a beauty at her prom just five years ago.

As for Kate Upton, she did go to her own prom in Melbourne, Florida, and said she had a ball.

"It was fun. I mean, it was prom. You go, and I went with my boyfriend at the time. I saw my friends, so it was good," she said.

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