Details of James Gandolfini's Last Supper Emerge

Photos and details have surfaced of James Gandolfini having his last meal just hours before he died of a heart attack. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

The last photos of James Gandolfini taken just hours before his sudden death have surfaced.  He’s eating dinner at the Sabatini restaurant in Rome. A tourist from Atlanta took the photos.

Gandolfini was dining with his 13-year-old son, Michael.  

An autopsy on Friday confirms that the Sopranos star died of a heart attack.  

Family friend Michael Kobold said, "He died of heart attack of natural causes. The autopsy further states that nothing else was found in his system."

In was being reported that the actor binged on a decadent meal on the night he died. Friday's New York Post headline blared “The Last Supper."

The meal reportedly consisted of two orders of fried king prawns covered in mayonnaise and chili sauce, and, foie gras. He supposedly washed it all down with four shots of rum, two pina coladas, and two beers.

Kobold denied the story.    

Kobald said, “Except for the foie gras, looking at what was listed, all of that stuff is something I had with the family yesterday and the pina coladas were virgin pina coladas. They were drunk by his son.  You guys know Jim, it's not his drink of choice. He doesn't drink pina coladas.”  
Actor Joseph Gannascoli, who played gay mobster Vito Spatafore on The Sopranos, is very upset at the stories that Gandolfini overindulged.

"Guy was enjoying dinner with his family. To even come out with that story and to insinuate is beyond tasteless," Gannascoli said.

Gandolfini's heartbroken sister Leta was seen at the morgue in Rome where she formally identified her brother's body.  

And the tributes keep pouring in. New Jersey rocker, Bruce Springsteen dedicated his performance in England to his good friend, Gandolfini.

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