Alec Baldwin's Twitter Tirade After Gandolfini's Funeral

After a reporter said Alec Baldwin's wife was tweeting during James Gandolfini's funeral, the hot-tempered star unleashed a tirade on Twitter. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Alec Baldwin is at it again.

This time, he launched a Twitter tirade against a reporter who wrote this story for the London Daily Mail:

"Alec Baldwin's pregnant wife Hilaria TWEETS about Rachael Ray and anniversary gifts during James Gandolfini's funeral."

That's right—the report alleged that Hilaria Baldwin tweeted during the Sopranos star's funeral in New York on Thursday.  

Alec launched an expletive-laced Twitter rant, that included several homophobic slurs:

"How much of this (blank) are people supposed to take? With these (blanking) blatant lies every day?"

"Someone wrote that my wife was tweeting at a funeral. Hey. That's not true. But I'm gonna tweet at your funeral."

Baldwin didn't stop there, tweeting:

"My wife and I attend a funeral to pay our respects to an old friend, and some toxic Brit writes this (blank) trash."

Then, he uses a gay slur while threatening the Daily Mail reporter who wrote the story.

"I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little (blank), and I'm gonna (blank) you up."

Baldwin laughed when asked about the controversy outside his Manhattan apartment.

Crisis consultant Mike Paul says Baldwin blundered big-time when he used the slurs to denounce the reporter.

Paul told INSIDE EDITION, "Calm down Alec. Learn how to explain something, and not be hurtful with your comments, and be so angry that the story's about you and not about the issue."

Baldwin bumped his head as he left for a weekend in the Hamptons with his wife who is seven months pregnant. They are hoping to put the drama behind them.   

"I'd really like for all of this to go away so we could just deal with having a baby soon," said Hilaria. 

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