Justin Bieber Apologizes To Bill Clinton

After footage of Justin Bieber swearing at a picture of former President Bill Clinton had the pop star doing damage control. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Justin Bieber is doing some big time damage control. He’s apologizing to none other than Bill Clinton.

It started when TMZ aired footage of Beiber outside a New York City restaurant urinating in a bucket and cursing at a photo of Bill Clinton while spraying water it.  After the video came out, Bieber's spokesman says the singer actually called the former president to apologize.

The spokesperson said: "Justin and President Clinton spoke today. Justin profusely apologized to the former president and explained he was being stupid and young."

The former Commander-in-Chief was gracious in accepting the apology, reportedly telling Bieber, "If that is the worst thing you have ever done, all is well."

Bieber tweeted about his chat with the former president, "Thanks for taking the time to talk Mr. President. Your words meant alot. #greatguy."

Bieber's out-of-control antics are causing a lot of talk.

Gayle King on CBS This Morning said, "He is just sort of running off the rails right now. Someone needs to come in and do a little bit of an intervention."

Natalie Morales said on the Today show, "The singer apparently apologized for that behavior, saying he was 'Young.' Young of course, and perhaps stupid."

Bieber's mother, Pattie, dodged questions when asked about her son's behavior earlier this week on The View.

Barbara Walters asked, "Are you concerned by some of the antics? By some of the press?"

Pattie replied, "You know, I think that all parents worry about their kids, and I don't necessarily agree with everything that he does."

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