Real Housewives Cast Members Divided on Giudice Court Battle

Teresa Giudice's Real Housewives cast-mates are picking sides as the star and her husband face 39 counts of fraud in federal court. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

There’s no love between Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice and former cast member Kim Granatell. INSIDE EDITION’s Les Trent spoke with Granatell following the chaotic federal court appearance of Teresa and Joe Giudice, who were charged with 39 counts of fraud.

“I want her to rot in prison,” said Granatell. “She wanted to be something that she wasn’t.”

Granatell, who appeared in seasons two and three, says she always felt something wasn’t quite right about Teresa and Joe.

Granatell told Trent, “I've always had issues with them because I knew they were scam artists from the day I met them. I just knew from the places that she would frequent, the restaurants, the stores, she would not pay. So that would tell me that, if you have money and you are real, you pay and you walk out, just like everyone else did."

Trent said, “Do you really want to see her go to jail?”

"I sure do,” said Granatell.

"Even with the kids?” asked Trent.

She said, "Who cares? Listen, I have children. Do you have to think I would scam or commit any kind of thing that's wrong? Because I worry about my kids. I know the consequences."

But other cast-mates are coming to Teresa’s defense. Jennifer Dalton knows her friend is facing serious charges and the possibility of real jail time.

Click Here To Watch Jennifer Dalton Defend Giudice

Dalton told INSIDE EDITION, "You couldn't even ask for a better friend. She does feel confident, but nothing is guaranteed. She’s not the judge.”

Another cast-mate, Kim DePaula hopes Teresa is vindicated. She told INSIDE EDITION, "I love Teresa and I love Joe. I don’t think Teresa would ever willingly do anything wrong.”

Lawyer Miles Feinstein represents the Giudices and says they have done nothing wrong. He’s worried that the jury pool could be tainted by the controversial show, which once famously saw Teresa losing it in a restaurant.

Tempers seem to run in the family. While Teresa handled it like a lady, her husband Joe was knocking away cameras. Even his mom, Filomena let the moment get the better of her, smacking cameras away.

But no one expressed the family’s frustrations better than his father, Frank. He has a cheeky message for the reporters, putting his rear end right in the camera's view.