Outrage continues to grow in the alleged rape case of Missouri teen Daisy Coleman after a lawyer's remark sparks ire. INSIDE EDITION speaks with Daisy's brother.
There is outrage over comments on live TV about the cheerleader who says she was run out of town and her house burned down after she was sexually assaulted in a small town where football is king.
New York City attorney Joseph DiBenedetto is coming under fire for what he said on Fox News.
"What did she expect to happen at 1 a.m. in the morning after sneaking out?" said DiBenedetto. "I'm not saying that she deserved to be raped, but knowing the facts as we do here, including what the prosecutor has set forth, this case is going nowhere and it's going nowhere quick."
One commentator on The Huffington Post website wrote: "This is just disturbing."
Another comment reads: "I don't care what you wear, or when you snuck out, or even how old you are. Rape is rape."
Sixteen-year-old Daisy Coleman says she was sexually assaulted by a high school football star in Maryville, Missouri two years ago.
Fox News host Shepard Smith told DiBenedetto, "What you've done, Joseph, is taken an alleged victim of rape and turned her into a liar and a crime committer."
Now, Daisy's brother, college sophomore Charlie Coleman is coming forward. He says he found Daisy laying unconscious in the front yard of their home the morning after the alleged assault in 22-degree temperature.
Charlie told INSID EDITION, "The first thing that my brother and I did was grab the phone and start looking through text messages, and I saw those names and that's when I knew that something had happened."
Charlie played football at Maryville High School with Matthew Barnett, who Daisy claims attacked her at a party. Charlie says he warned Daisy to stay away from him. All charges against Barrett were dropped for lack of evidence.
"What teenage kid wants to listen to their older sibling and believe anything bad could happen?" said Charlie.