INSIDE EDITION spoke to the mom making international headlines after she called out a thief who took her young son's Halloween pumpkin.
An adorable two-year-old boy is the victim of a terrible crime—pumpkin theft.
His name is Tommy Reina, and his parents carved four beautiful Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween. One was made for each member of the family. But someone swiped Tommy’s pumpkin from the front porch of their Washington, D.C. home, which made him cry.
Tommy's mom, Becky, put a large cardboard sign on the front porch, a sign designed to knock the pumpkin thief for a loop.
Becky told INSIDE EDITION, 'I was just so upset, I wanted to do something."
INSIDE EDITION’s Megan Alexander asked, "What did your sign say?"
Becky said, “My sign says, ‘To the person who stole my son's pumpkin, thank you for the life lesson.’"
The sign starts out nice and friendly, but there is a kicker, "Because my son is two years old and can't read this sign. I will add: you are an [expletive]."
That little sign is getting worldwide attention.
“Parent Writes Hilarious Sign for local Halloween Thief,” says The Daily Mail.
“Parent's Sign Makes a Pumpkin Thief Eat Humble Pie,” said The Huffington Post.
The pumpkin mom can't believe the attention she's getting, but she hopes her sign serves as a warning to pumpkin thieves everywhere.
Becky said, "I think they should think twice before messing with any person's pumpkin!"