Britney Spears Reportedly Lip Synchs Through Las Vegas Show

Britney Spears opened her new Las Vegas show to reports that she was lip synching her way through  the concert. INSIDE EDITION has more.

Oops she did it again. Britney Spears is accused of lip syncing her way through her new, highly-anticipated concert series in Las Vegas.

"The singer appeared to be lip-syncing for the majority of her performance," reported The Los Angeles Times.

"There is little evidence Britney sang a live note," criticized Rolling Stone.

And the Las Vegas Weekly had this harsh statement: "Britney Spears may be the only 'live' performer with the chutzpah to lip sync to a song where she used autotune."

Disappointed fans also took to Twitter, tweeting."I just watched Britney's show & her lip sync was off by like 5 secs :( "

But not everyone was bothered by her performance. Miley Cyrus posted photos on Twitter dancing her way through the concert and tweeting: "If you told me I'd be front row and center on @britneyspears opening night 10 years ago I would've never believed you."

Selena Gomez and Katy Perry were also in attendance looking like they were enjoying the show.

And USA Today raved the show was an "artfully melded spectacle with stagecraft."

The controversy comes after the pop star was accused of lip syncing during her 2011 Femme Fatale tour.

In October, Britney promised fans she would definitely be singing live for her upcoming Vegas show.

Huffington Post Sr. Editor Kia Makarechi told INSIDE EDITION, "If Britney is actually lip synching at this concert, it's not really that surprising because I think that most people who are going to shell out to go to Vegas and see her aren't really going to see a fine vocal performance. They're going to hear the songs they love, they already know."

In the past, Britney's reps have denied lip synching.

The "Toxic" singer is being paid a reported $15 million a year for a total of 96 concerts in Las Vegas.

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