A mudslide has wiped a small Washington town off the map, while eight are confirmed dead, the search is on to find survivors. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
Terrifying video of the deadly mudslide in Washington state was captured by a survivor who says he is simply too traumatized to talk about what he saw.
Paulo de Oliveira was driving to pick up his children on Saturday when a wall of mud slammed into the car in front of him. He says he heard women screaming as an entire neighborhood was simply wiped off the map in three seconds flat.
Washington state's Emergency Response Managing Director John Pennington said in a press conference, "Today, there are 108 reports of names of individuals who are missing or unaccounted for."
See More From the Press Conference
The monstrous power of mudslides is something we've seen before.
One wiped out an entire mountainside in Southern California and sent people running to get out of the way in 2005.
A river of mud washed away cars in Colorado Springs last year. Incredible video was even shot inside one of floating cars.
Another mudslide derailed a train in Everett, Washington, in 2012.
Now, all of America is praying for those in Washington, as hope fades for those who are still missing.