World Trade Center Parachute Jumpers Speak Out

INSIDE EDITION speaks to the young men who pulled off a parachute jump from the World Trade Center, and now face serious charges.

It was an incredible scene in the dead of night of three daredevil jumpers atop the World Trade Center, ready to parachute into the history books and into a world of trouble!

The first jumper's chute snaps open. "Beautiful," he said.

The next jumper, wearing a helmet camera, gets words of encouragement before leaping from the tower.

"Have a good one, brother," said his friend.

"You too, man," he said. And down he went, floating like a bird—all 1,776 feet off America's tallest building toward the deserted street below where he made a picture-perfect landing.

The jumper wearing the helmet cam was James Brady—and get this—he's also an ironworker who worked on the tower, installing the final steel beam which was signed by President Obama.

INSIDE EDITION watched his jump as Brady said, "It was a very simple thing for me. We never wanted it to blow up like this."

See More of the BASE Jumpers Interview With INSIDE EDITION

Good Morning America reported, "The jaw-dropping BASE jump off the top of the World Trade Center!"

Brady, Andrew Rossig, and a third jumper turned themselves in, surrendering along with a lookout on the ground barely a week after a teenager sneaked in and climbed to the top of the spire. And they all sneaked through the same hole in a fence!

HLN host Nancy Grace is shocked that the jumpers made it to the top with such ease, and what that means in terms of security at the tower.

"Once again, security at One World Trade Center has been breached," Grace told INSIDE EDITION. "If a 16-year-old kid and BASE jumpers can get to the top, so can Al Qaeda."

So, how did the jumpers get caught?

Upon landing, Brady packed his parachute into his knapsack and made a clean getaway at 3:00 a.m., or did he?

The daredevil jumpers filmed their adventure to preserve it for posterity. At the same time, surveillance cameras outside the Goldman-Sachs headquarters also captured their landings.

Andrew Rossig was the third jumper. He told INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander, "Of course there are cameras down there. Of course we knew there would be some footage."
It took nearly six months, but from that footage authorities finally tracked down the jumpers. They've been charged with burglary, reckless endangerment, and jumping from a structure.

Alexander asked, "We want to get your response to the Port Authority, which owns the site. They say, 'The spirit of respect and reverence for the sacred site has been violated.' Your response?"

Brady responded, "Couldn't be further from the truth. I dedicated five years down there."

Rossig said, "It was meant no disrespect to anything that happened there."

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