81-Year-Old Woman Sucker Punched by Stranger in New York City

Geula Levi-Freeman was walking her dog when she was punched in the face.

An 81-year-old woman was sucker punched by a stranger in New York City while walking alone.

Geula Levi-Freeman was leaving her building to walk her dog when she was struck. She says she was punched so hard that she does not remember the attack.

Surveillance video shows the suspect trailing behind her. When Levi-Freeman's Goldendoodle, Bear, stopped to smell something, the suspect suddenly turned around, walked towards Levi-Freeman, and struck her.

Levi-Freeman fell to the ground while her attacker walked off. Video shows Levi-Freeman laying on the ground, not moving, as her dog stayed by her side.

Good Samaritans rushed to her aid.

Levi-Freeman hit her face on a concrete ledge and suffered a concussion and bruises to her face.

"I feel very lucky that I am here to tell you my story," Levi-Freeman tells Inside Edition.

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