He paid off his parents’ mortgage with one check that brought tears to their eyes. How did he do it? INSIDE EDITION caught up with the family.
Original Airdate: 07/30/2014
This young man gave his parents the surprise of their lives, and videotaped it all.
He's about to hand his parents a check to pay off their entire mortgage, 340 thousand dollars!
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In the video Timothy says, "This is the day. I got my funds right, and I'm gonna surprise them with a check. We didn't have a lot of money growing up. My parents always worked multiple jobs and late hours, and I always saw how hard they were working. So I knew that my main goal was to make sure that they didn't have to work as hard."
Timothy told INSIDE EDITION if anyone deserves this surprise it's his mom and dad.
Timothy's parents came to the United States in 1969 with less than $1,000 in their pockets. They did what immigrants to America have done for generations. They worked hard and built a business. It hasn't been easy. They've been working every day of the week, more than 14 hours a day.
"Ever since I was a little kid I made a promise to my dad and my mom and I was like, 'I know I may not be a doctor or a lawyer but trust me. I'm gonna do this (blank), and I'm gonna be successful at it, and I promise you I'm going to pay off the house," said Timothy.
Timothy went into another line of work. He's a comedian working under the stage name Timothy DeLaGhetto. He's a big star with his own YouTube channel with a raunchy brand of humor.
Timothy says he has his parents to thank for everything. He even gets his sense of humor from them.
"With or without it, you are still the best son to me. But, the check makes it a little bit better," joked Timothy's father.