INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret Talks to Dr. Phil

INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret was invited on Dr. Phil's show to discuss his book, The Last Day of My Life. 

For a change, INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret is the one in the hot seat.  Dr. Phil invited Moret onto his show to talk about his book The Last Day of My Life.  With his wife Keri looking on, Moret described how a bleak time in his life led him to become an author.

"I am so grateful to be talking to you right now it means a great deal for me," Moret told Dr. Phil.

Dr Phil asked, "Was it cathartic for you to write this?"

Moret replied, "Oh my gosh,  it was an obsession and I would write sometimes at two or three in the morning and it would pour out of me."
After the show, Moret got to ask Phil what he thought.

"I thought the arc of the book was amazing in that you started with that tremendous candor but then brought it back to what got you back to where you needed to be." Dr. Phil said.