INSIDE EDITION sent correspondent Paul Boyd to the Bahamian Island of Abaco to track the world's most wanted teenager, Colton Harris-Moore.
INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd took a trek through hell on the trail of the Catch Me If You Can teen fugitive.
He got a grueling first-hand look at the terrain where 19-year-old Colton Harris-Moore crash-landed his latest stolen plane.
The expedition began with a flight to the Bahamian Island of Abaco, and then a trip to the harbor. Two local fishermen will act as guides to the remote crash site.
The trip includes a six-mile boat trip and then a long trek through the marshland to the site.
The Bahamas may be paradise on Earth for tourists, but the journey was hellish. Boyd slogged through thick mud and leeches clung to his skin.
He walked through what felt like quicksand every step of the way and pushed through sharp branches that felt like barbed wire.
After a two-mile hike, Boyd's guides led him to the place where Harris-Moore crash-landed the Cessna 400 authorities believe he stole from Indiana.
The site itself is small; the plane mostly stayed in one piece, but the landing gear snapped off completely on impact.
Local investigators along with help from the FBI have now cleared it as a crime scene, and the areas where the authorities dusted for fingerprints are still visible.
Investigators believe the teenage fugitive made his escape by walking more than six miles through rough terrain until he eventually found a small town and stole an SUV.
Authorities say Harris-Moore broke into a service station and stole food. He also burglarized a restaurant and apparently used the computer there to update his Facebook page!
The most wanted teenager in the world is on the run, and according to Bahamian authorities he's considered armed and dangerous.