Identity of Dallas Nurse With Ebola Revealed

The Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola from Thomas Eric Duncan has been identified as 26-year-old Nina Pham. Meanwhile, TV's Dr. Nancy Snyderman is under fire over quarantine issues. INSIDE EDITION reports.

This is her—the Dallas nurse just diagnosed with Ebola. Her name is Nina Pham and she's just 26 years old. Pham has been a nurse for four years.

Her beloved dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Bentley, may or may not be still inside her apartment. A hazmat team was seen carrying in food and water for the dog.

A friend of Pham's is also in isolation and being monitored for Ebola.

A hazmat team was back today sanitizing Pham's apartment building, spraying the doors and even the sidewalk with disinfectant.

Pham contracted Ebola from patient zero, Thomas Eric Duncan, at embattled Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

She wore the required gown, gloves, mask, and face shield, but it was apparently not enough to protect her.

Dr. Tom Frieden of the CDC said today at a press conference, "We're particularly concerned with the taking off of the isolation personal protective equipment because if it is contaminated there's a possibility that a worker could contaminate themselves and become infected in that process."

ABC's Chief Medical Editor, Dr. Richard Besser, says he'd like to see nurses wearing the more elaborate protective gear he wore while in Liberia, the center of the Ebola outbreak.

Dr. Besser told INSIDE EDITION, "You hear that someone is wearing all this equipment and they got Ebola, how did that happen? It's a little harder than people may think to wear this equipment properly."

Dr. Besser explained, "In taking it off, there was a trained technician and another person watching me. They instructed me every step along the way. It was, 'Take off your apron.' Then they would wash down my hands with bleach. Then they'd say, 'Take off your outter gloves.' So I'd take that off and throw it away. Now I have a clean pair of gloves."

Watch More of Besser's Interview with INSIDE EDITION

Meanwhile, NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman is under fire today for reportedly violating a voluntary quarantine order.

Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images

Dr. Snyderman and her crew have been confined to their homes since returning from Liberia last week. They are considered at risk because they worked alongside an Ebola-stricken cameraman who is fighting for his life at a Nebraska hospital

But last Thursday, Dr. Snyderman was seen outside a restaurant in Hopewell, New Jersey, named the Peasant Grill. She had gone there for a bowl of soup. She reportedly waited in her car while an undentified man went in to pick up her order.

The revelation is spooking some of the restaurant's patrons. INSIDE EDITION spoke to two women who decided to eat elsewhere.

One of the women said, "I could choose somewhere else. And that's what I'm going to do."

And the ladies on The View were up in arms. Whoopi Goldberg said, "What the Hell, Nancy?"

Rosie Perez said, "You just don't do that. You don't put fear into the public when you're a public figure. You dont just do that."

The New Jersey Department of Health has ordered Dr. Snyderman and her crew into mandatory quarantine, stating: "The Department of Health today issued a mandatory quarantine order to ensure that the crew will remain confined until October 22."