Country's Largest Breast Reduction Surgery

Kerisha Mark had a breast size of 36 NNN due to a rare condition that started to affect her health. INSIDE EDITION was there for the reduction that has given her much relief.

Kerisha Mark’s has what may be the biggest breasts in the country! Incredibly, her size 36 NNN cup breasts are all natural.

Mark's told INSIDE EDITION, “They would grow and grow and grow.”

Needless to say she got a lot of attention.

“The women were inquisitive. They would ask questions like, "Is that genetic? How much to you pay for them?' Men would flat out stare,” she said.

Mark’s says at age 14, she suddenly grew from a small B to an H-cup.

“I liked them, I enjoyed them. I went from very small to very nice,” she said.

Now 40, Mark’s says buying clothes is a challenge, saying, “What scared me was not knowing if they were going to get bigger than they were.”

Watch More of Mark's Interview With INSIDE EDITION

Her enormous breasts started affecting her health. She said, “My neck area would just throb. I was no longer happy with the way I looked.”

So, the social worker went to Houston cosmetic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose for a breast reduction procedure.

Dr. Rose declared, “It really was the largest pair of breasts I ever examined in over 30 years of clinical practice.”

He diagnosed her with a very rare condition known as Gigantomastia.  

Mark’s said, “It was like, finally I had an answer to what was going on with my body.”

Dr. Rose mentioned, “If Kerisha had not had this procedure performed she would have eventually developed quite a hunchback in the neck or curvature of the spine."

Dr. Rose showed INSIDE EDITION how he transplanted her nipples up two feet and removed a staggering amount of breast tissue.

“It was at least 15 pounds of breast tissue,” he said.

After the operation, she said, “I feel fantastic. I’m on cloud nine.”

The married mom is now a more manageable 36 DDD. Her husband likes the new look.
She is finally getting the sleek new wardrobe she always dreamed of and for the first time since she was a teenager, she is buying a bra off the rack.

Mark’s is also hitting the gym again, saying, “This is amazing coming to work out.”

Now that she's gone from 36NNN to 36 DDD she is happy to lose the title as the biggest breasts in America.

She proudly said, “I'm over the moon with my new self!”

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