President Obama Diagnosed With Acid Reflux

President Obama’s chronic sore throat over the last few weeks has turned out be acid reflux. INSIDE EDITION has more.

It's true, the President has acid reflux! The President brushed off questions about his health at his meeting with Prince William Monday.

One reporter asked, "How's your throat sir?"

"I'm fine. I was completely fine," replied the President.

The President was diagnosed by a throat specialist who performed an endoscopy.

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Manhattan Dr. Michelle Yagoda showed INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander how it's done.

Dr. Yagoda told Alexander, "This is what goes into the patient's nose and down the back of the throat."

Alexander asked, "Is the procedure painful?"
Dr. Yagoda answered, "It would definitely be painful without anesthesia, as most procedures would be. But, there is a very quick, easy spray anesthesia that goes into the nose to numb it up. Then it really feels just like you have a sneeze that's stuck."

The President's vocal chords were found to be raw and swollen, classic signs of acid reflux.

The acid from his stomach bubbles up and burns the vocal chords.

He was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center for a CT scan to make sure nothing else was going on.

Acid reflux is caused by: Smoking, drinking too much coffee, over-eating, and stress.

Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, also suffered from acid reflux.

The condition is treatable, but the President will have to cut back on his favorite foods.

Dr. Yagoda advised, "Avoid anything that's spicy or acidic, anything fried or greasy."

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