The Luckiest Baby In The World

Saturday, December 13, 2014, was a great day to have a baby, and if your baby arrived at 10:11, some say the child is particularly blessed. INSIDE EDITION explains why.

An adorable newborn baby girl entered the world at a very special time in world history.

Just how special? Well, consider this: little Quincy Kessler was born at 10:11 a.m. on 12-13-14, get it? 10, 11, 12, 13, 14! A one-in-a zillion combination!

Her parents, Melida and Trenton, still can't get over the way the numbers clicked for their daughter's birth in Billings, Montana, on Saturday.

Melida told INSIDE EDITION, "The baby came right out at 10:11 on the dot! You know, it was pretty exciting in our delivery room. The nurses and everybody were cheering."

Watch INSIDE EDITION's Interview with the Kessler's

Quincy’s not the only baby born on that same magical minute!

Claire Elizabeth Keane was born at 10-11-12-13-14 at a hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Hazel Grace Zimmerman also arrived on that very minute at a hospital in Cleveland.

Good luck with your babies, everybody, INSIDE EDITION has got a feeling that picking numbers for the lottery is going to be a cinch!