Boyhood is up for six Oscars and follows the story of a man growing up over 12 years. INSIDE EDITION found the subject of the film’s grandmother living in a bus!
Ellar Coltrane is the breakout star from Boyhood, the movie that just won a Golden Globe for Best Drama and is a front-runner for Best Picture at the Oscars.
The movie, which was filmed over 12 years, stars Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette, and this young man, Ellar Coltrane, who we see progress from age six to age 18.
Ellar Coltrane now finds himself one of the hottest properties in Hollywood, but his new lifestyle of limos and red carpets is a far cry from that of his grandmother's, who we found living in, of all things, a rusty old school bus.
Kathy Horton gets around barefoot. Her bus is propped up on old tree stumps on a dead end road in Texas Hill Country about 20 miles outside of Austin.
She told INSIDE EDITION, "I'm a hippie grandmom and I'm proud of it!"
She explained to INSIDE EDITION, "I cannot see living anywhere except in this bus!"
The 69-year-old has lived in the bus for three years paying $125-a-month rent. She never leaves the property. One neighbor is a mountain man who brings supplies. She also survives on fresh eggs from her 18 chickens.
She is actually a graduate of the University of Texas and a former high school teacher. She said one day she had enough of the rat race and became a hippie.
Kathy declared, "You know if I had a castle I'd park this bus right beside it and live in the bus!"
We showed her clips from Boyhood and she couldn't be prouder of her grandson's overnight success, saying, "I remember Ellar when he was this age and he was so precious."
It's a rustic life, to say the least, and said she hasn't had a bath in three years.
"I just miss a bathtub. Now if I had a pond I wouldn't miss the bathtub so much cause I'd just go get in the pond," she explained.
She does take an occasional shower. Come Oscar night, Kathy said she'll borrow a TV and watch her grandson mingle with the most famous celebrities in the world. She has a message for him, "I am so proud of you I am just bursting with pride! Burst, burst, burst!"