Bruce Jenner Confirms: He's Becoming A Woman

Bruce Jenner has confirmed that he is changing his sex to become a woman. INSIDE EDITION has details.

Bruce Jenner's mother is confirming that he is becoming a woman.

"I just learned about [his transition]," said 88-year-old Esther Jenner. "Bruce filled me in, and we had a very long, long, long talk about it." She added, "I have never been more proud of Bruce."

Bruce is on the cover of the new People magazine, on newsstands Friday. "He is finally happy" blares the headline.

The legendary Olympic athlete recently sat down with his six children and four stepchildren including Kim Kardashian to break the news. A source told INSIDE EDITION, "Bruce told them everything. The kids came around."

But his soon-to-be-ex wife, Kris Jenner, is said to be "in complete denial."

Bruce has been photographed in recent months with a manicure and wearing lip gloss. It also looks as if he has developed bigger breasts. He plans to go public in May with a big interview with Diane Sawyer.

There are an estimated 700,000 transgender people in America, including Zoey Tur, who was once Bob Tur, the ruggedly handsome news helicopter pilot. Tur told INSIDE EDITION, "If I were talking to Bruce Jenner I would say come in, the water's warm. People are really great. Not everyone, but people are understanding."

Bruce is deciding on a new name. One report said he's going from Bruce to Belinda. But another said he's settled on Caitlin, which can be spelled with a C or a K.

That would fit in nicely with the whole Kardashian Clan: Kim, Kendall, Kylie, you know the rest.

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