Three-Year-Old Rides 175-Pound Pit Bull Like A Pony And Loves It!

Hulk, the pit bull, is 175 pounds and still growing!

You're not seeing things, that's a little boy riding one of the biggest dogs in the world!

Hulk the Pit bull tips the scales at 175 pounds, almost exactly what I weigh to give you some perspective!

INSIDE EDITION's Steven Fabian asked, "Should I be nervous being this close to him?"

"Oh, no, not at all, he's a big sweetheart," said the family.

Video shows hulk taking a walk with a pony his size! And get this: At eighteen months of age, Hulk's not even fully grown! That's the word from his owners, dog breeders Marlon and Lisa Grannan.

Fabian asked, "Can he get bigger?"

Lisa responded, "Yes! They don't stop growing until they're three years old, so he's got lots of growing up to do!"

Hulk loves his food, gobbling twenty pounds of raw beef and fifty pounds of dry food a week!

"This is Hulk right?" a passerby asked on the street.

"This is Hulk!" Marlon answered.

At New York City's Times Square, folks went wild over the biggest dog they'd ever seen. He may look menacing, but his owners feel safe letting their three-year-old son ride on Hulk, and he doesn't mind.

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