4 Tips To Protect Your Identity, According To Patricia Arquette's 'CSI:Cyber' Inspiration

The real-life inspiration for Patricia Arquette's CSI:Cyber character tells us four ways to keep your identity safe.

It's a famous face in a brand new role.  Patricia Arquette, fresh from her Academy Award victory, takes on the role of a cyber cop in the new CBS series CSI:Cyber, debuting Wednesday night.

Now, meet the woman who inspired the role, real-life cyber detective Mary Aiken.

Aiken told INSIDE EDITION, "It's incredible to have an actress of the caliber playing the lead role."

Aiken works with interpool and the FBI, as well as producing and advising on CSI:Cyber. She offered this tip to protecting your online identity.

1. Don't abandon common sense online. Think about evidence, think about the trail you are leaving.

2. If you have your passwords in your computer don't put them in a file called passwords.

3. If you put a baby cam in your house that is wi-fi enabled and you havent securred it with a good and robust password, then if you can log in remotely, the logic is that someone can log in too.

4. While your memory may be weak, your passwords should be strong.

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