A Lost Dog's Wayward Journey Across the Canadian Border and Back During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Diamond with her human, 9-year-old Marilou Michaud.
Diamond with her human, 9-year-old Marilou Michaud. Facebook

A German shepherd named Diamond made a run for the border and then became a coronavirus refugee.

A German shepherd named Diamond is back with her humans after a long, strange trip across the Canadian border and back. The 17-month-old pup escaped from her New Brunswick home and made a run for the border, only to become a coronavirus refugee stranded in Maine due to travel restrictions imposed because of COVID-19.

In normal times, getting Diamond home to Canada would have been simple. But thanks to the pandemic, no one in Canada could go get her, and the Maine residents who found her couldn't take her back across the border — even though they are friends of Diamond's humans.

The dog made a break for it last week while her family was hours away at a hockey tournament in St. Andrews. 

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