Alabama Police Find Huge 'Harmless' Snake in Local Family Toilet

Gray Rat Snake curled up in toilet
Eufaula Police Department Facebook

The Eufaula Police Department in Alabama had an unexpected encounter with wildlife when responding to a call about a snake in a family’s toilet.

An Alabama Police Department received an unusual call to a home this week when a snake was discovered in a homeowner’s toilet. 

According to the Eufaula Police Department, they’re used to surprises.“We never know from one day to the next what kind of call we will receive during our shift,“ the department said in a post on social media. 

"Today was no exception, however a snake in the toilet wasn’t on our list of possibilities.”

According to the post, the critter was a “harmless” gray rat snake. 

The gray rat snake, also known as a chicken snake or oat snake, is commonly found throughout southern states including Alabama, according to Alabama Wildlife. 

The department’s post shared that their comrades removed the snake and released him to a proper environment. 

While unexpected, the department kept the situation light. 

“In the snake's defense, he was just trying to reach the homeowner about their car’s extended warranty,” the post read.

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