Plastic surgeons are seeing a rise in demand for cosmetic procedures, some of which have been decided upon after patients spent time looking at themselves during video calls.
Before some folks return to their office, they are choosing to get plastic surgery in a trend being called the "Zoom Boom."
Jessica Hudson, 22, has been working remotely since she started her new job as a sales associate analyst last year. She said seeing herself on Zoom made her focus on her nose. So before she meets coworkers in person, she's getting rhinoplasty from plastic surgeon Edward Kwak.
"It will give me more confidence,” she told Inside Edition. “I always have been self-conscious if someone is sitting on my side, even.”
Inside Edition went in the operating room as Kwak and his team reshaped the inner bone and cartilage of her nose.
One month after her surgery, Inside Edition met with Hudson, who said she loves how everything turned out and is more confident than ever.
Others are prepping for their return to the office with less invasive procedures.
One 25-year-old works in product development for a department store. She wants her lips to appear plumper before she sees her co-workers mask-free.
Dr. Mariya Malin performed the procedure called lip lase, where a laser is used to stimulate plumpness.
The result was a very happy patient.
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