Australian Boy Gives Meghan Markle Macaroni Necklace, Now Has Orders from Around the World

Australian boy made macaroni necklace for Meghan Markle and she wore it.
Six-year-old boy gives homemade necklace to Duchess of Sussex.Twitter/Getty

The 6-year-old gave his macaroni necklace to Meghan Markle, who wore it for the day.

Stick a feather in his cap and call him a macaroni jeweler.

A 6-year-old Australian boy made a necklace for Meghan Markle and proudly handed his handmade creation to the Duchess of Sussex who hung it around her neck and thanked him by name.

Now Gavin Hazlewood has orders from all over the world for his jewelry strands fashioned from macaroni.

The little boy from Melbourne had begged his mom to let him stay home from school so they could join the throngs waiting to catch a glimpse of Prince Harry and his newly pregnant American wife. He dipped some dinosaur-shaped pasta pieces into gold paint, then threaded some ribbon through the pasta.

Off they went, toting a sign that said "I Made You A Necklace." When Meghan saw, the royal bent down, took the gift from his tiny hands and pulled it over her head. She wore it for part of the day, and it could be seen in news photographs from couple's rounds of Australia's second-largest city.

Gavin's gift got so much attention, he has set up his own internet page. He is selling macaroni necklaces for $20 each, with proceeds going to research on stillborn infants. "My sister was stillborn in 2014 and I don't want it to happen to anymore," he wrote on his site.

His parents named the stillborn baby Clara.

"She's a part of our lives still, even for the kids, and they talk to her every day," Gavin's mother, Rowan, told Australia's Network 10 reports.



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