Body Cam Captures Adorable Way Police Helped a Mom Celebrate Her Baby Girl's 1st Birthday

An act of kindness by Georgia police is coming to light thanks to body cam footage that captured the heart-warming chain of events.

An act of kindness by Georgia police is coming to light thanks to body cam footage that captured the heart-warming chain of events.

Sgt. Nicholas Boney and Officer Jimmy Wilson of the Gwinnett County Police Department spotted a woman standing on a street corner and carrying balloons.

The body cameras were rolling as police asked her if she needed a ride home and learn that there's a special reason for the balloons.

"It's my daughter's birthday and she just turned 1," the woman can be heard saying. "And I want to get her a cake." 

Then, Boney turns to his partner, gives him his credit card and instructs him to get a birthday cake with a number one candle. 

The good deed continues when the officers drive the woman to her home outside Atlanta.

"You're so cute, hi!" Boney says to the birthday girl.

The officer then joins the family in singing "Happy Birthday" before she blows out the candles. 


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