Bruce Springsteen Pleads Guilty to Drinking in Park After Prosecutors Drop DWI Charges

Bruce Springsteen admitted to the judge that he drank two small shots of tequila in Gateway National Park last November.

Bruce Springsteen appeared virtually in a New Jersey court Wednesday and pleaded guilty to drinking in a federal park. Springsteen admitted to the judge that he drank two small shots of tequila in Gateway National Park last November.

His plea came after prosecutors dropped charges of driving while intoxicated and reckless driving against the musician. On the night of his arrest, Springsteen’s blood alcohol level was well under the legal limit.

Reporters were permitted to watch the proceedings, but were legally prohibited from showing audio or video. The Boss was ordered to pay $500 and joked with the judge about paying it.

“When the judge talked to Bruce about his $500 fine, Bruce Springsteen told the judge, 'I think I can pay that immediately,'” Inside Edition reporter Ann Mercogliano said.


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