Captain Cook's Ship Endeavour Believed to Be Found off Coast of Rhode Island

Replica of Captain Cook's EndeavourReplica of Captain Cook's Endeavour
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After 22 years of searching within 2 square miles, maritime archeologists believe they have found the missing piece of the puzzle.

The infamous Captain James Cook’s boat, Endeavour, is said to have been discovered after a 22-year search, according to a recently released statement.

Endeavour is said to have been intentionally sunk by the British during the American Revolution, and maritime archeologists thought that the wreckage was within a specific 2-square-mile area in Newport Harbor, Rhode Island.

These experts have been searching since 1999, and they have finally found the missing piece, according to the statement.

Kevin Sumption, the chief executive of the Australian National Maritime Museum, held a news conference in Sydney sharing the news.

“I am satisfied that this is the final resting place of one of the most important and contentious vessels in Australia’s maritime history,” he said in the statement.

“...the last pieces of the puzzle had to be confirmed before I felt able to make this call. Based on archival and archaeological evidence, I’m convinced it’s the Endeavour.”

Sumption shared that only 15 percent of the ship remains, but the focus moving forward will be to protect and preserve it.

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