Clements Twins Search on Social Media for Dad's Bone Marrow Donor as He Battles Cancer

Kevin Clements, who’d always been in incredible shape and even came close to qualifying for the Olympics as a swimmer, has been spending most of his days in the hospital.
Inside Edition

Kevin Clements, who’d always been in incredible shape and even came close to qualifying for the Olympics as a swimmer, has been spending most of his days in the hospital.

It's a family crisis for the girls dubbed the most beautiful twins in the world. With their piercing green eyes, the 9-year-old Clements twins from Orange County, California, have booked lots of fashion shoots and have a whopping 1.5 million followers on Instagram.

Now, the twins are calling on those fans to help their dad, Kevin, who is in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant after being diagnosed with leukemia and lymphoma. The girls hope one of their fans will be a perfect match.

Kevin Clements, who’d always been in incredible shape and even came close to qualifying for the Olympics as a swimmer, has been spending most of his days in the hospital.

The twins say they are spreading their message and raising awareness through Instagram in the hope their followers can help. 

His wife, Jaqi, said the cancer diagnosis came as a total shock.

"It hasn’t been easy but we are getting through it,” she told Inside Edition. “We are trying to make the most of it." 

The family on Wednesday held a bone marrow drive, and recently learned their father will come home from the hospital before he starts his next round of chemo. They hope that by finding a bone marrow match, they can have him home for good. 

For more information on how you can help the family, click here

The family is teaming up with DKMS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders. To register as a donor click here. And to find out more about Kevin's virtual drive, click here


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