‘Creepy’ Cookie Monster Spotted in Santa Cruz as Police Issue Warning to Residents

Cookie Monster
Santa Cruz Police Dept.

If you have concerns about inappropriate behavior or him claiming to be hired by the City or a business, you should contact Santa Cruz Police.

Santa Cruz police are telling residents to “steer clear” of a person dressed as Cookie Monster, who they say locals have reported spotting.

The police say they have identified the person who citizens said was dressed in a "creepy" Cookie Monster costume while roaming the streets. The man's name is Adam Sandler, but he is not the actor with the same name, officials said. 

“Based on Adam Sandler's history across the country, the Santa Cruz Police Department advises the public not to engage with this individual and steer clear of him,” Joyce Blaschke, a community relations specialist with the Santa Cruz police department told Inside Edition in an email.

Sandler has not committed a crime in the City of Santa Cruz.

“Community members have asked if it's safe for children to take photos with this 'Cookie Monster'? THE ANSWER - It's a parent's prerogative and risk to allow their child to take a picture with this character. Remember that SCPD advises the public not to interact with this person in the cookie monster costume due to his history of unpredictable vulgar comments and troublesome behavior,” Blaschke said.

Police say that Sandler is not employed by, contracted by, or working with a permit granted by the City of Santa Cruz or any local business on the Wharf or surrounding areas to do what he is doing. 
“This individual is exercising his first amendment rights; however, if you are a victim or witness a criminal act by this individual, please file a police report immediately. We ask that you assist SCPD in identifying and signing a complaint against the person(s) responsible. We also ask you to be willing to testify in court if necessary,” Blaschke said.

Police also asked that they be contacted by anyone concerned about his alleged inappropriate behavior, or if Sandler claims to be working for a business or the city. 

Sandler has an alleged history of making "unpredictable" comments and "troublesome" behavior, police told KTUV. Sandler also allegedly has "caused issues from New York City to Los Angeles," police said. 

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