Daisy the Dog Alerts Mom That Family Cat Is 100 Feet Down a Mine Shaft

Dog Helps Rescue Lost Family Cat
Daisy, left, and Mowgli back together again.Michele Rose

Michele Rose said she knew something was wrong when the family dog, Daisy, went "berserk" and kept running back and forth.

Good dog, Daisy!

Michele Rose said she had given up hope of finding the family cat after he had been gone for days.

Then Daisy, the family dog, started "going berserk," running from the house and into the woods. Eventually, Rose followed the springer spaniel through the trees and then stopped short.

Down a 100-foot mine shaft sat Mowgli, the aforementioned cat.

"Without Daisy doing that, Mowgli could still be down there, that's for sure," Rose told the BBC.

"She was persistent in making me follow her, it was amazing," said Rose, who lives in Cornwall on Britain's rugged south coast. 

"Daisy is a superstar, she's an amazing dog."

Rose called the RSPCA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the country's largest animal charity.

Rescuers arrived, armed with ropes and rappelled down the abandoned shaft. Up they came with Mowgli, a little worse for wear and tear, but basically OK.

Rescuers set out to haul up Mowgli. - RSPCA

Mowgli was reunited with Daisy, and the home's other feline, Baloo.

Baloo is reunited with Mowgli. - RSPCA

The cats were adopted in December 2022 and the family oversaw a gradual introduction to Daisy, the first animal resident.

"Daisy was already a year old when the kittens arrived and they have all been inseparable ever since," Rose said. "She is quite matriarchal and puts up with them. They love her and she's very protective of them."

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