Did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sexually Assault Babysitter and Eat a Dog?

"The article is garbage. The picture of me they said is eating a dog is actually me eating a goat," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on a podcast.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is under fire after a Vanity Fair report claims Kennedy of groped one of his children's babysitters and published a photo they say shows Kennedy Jr. eating a dog.

The photo shows Kennedy Jr. about to eat something barbecued with an unidentified woman. Vanity Fair posted the image saying the carcass was a dog

The presidential candidate says it was a goat, not a dog.

"The article is garbage. The picture of me they said is eating a dog is actually me eating a goat," Kennedy Jr. said on the podcast Breaking Points.

Inside Edition showed the photo to veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber and he agreed.

"It is not a dog, that is for sure and based on the spine itself, the anatomy of the ribs, it is, according to many, myself included, It's a goat," Werber says.

The Vanity Fair profile also contains allegations that Kennedy Jr. groped his children's babysitter in 1998.

The magazine says it obtained the 23-year-old babysitter's diary, which claims that she was inappropriately touched by the presidential hopeful under the table at a meeting in his kitchen.

"I could have sworn he was touching my leg and hand," the diary read.

In another alleged incident, the babysitter claims Kennedy Jr. blocked a door and began groping her.

"My back was to the door of the pantry, and he came up behind me," the diary said. "I was frozen. Shocked."

Kennedy Jr. was asked about the babysitter's allegations in a podcast Tuesday night.

"Vanity Fair is recycling a 30-year-old story and I'm not going to comment on the details of any of them, you know I am who I am," Kennedy Jr. said.

In her new bestseller, "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," writer Maureen Callahan says the Kennedy family has a history of degrading and treating women poorly.

"You need to look at it as a whole, you need to put all these women together," Callahan says. "They have been the victims of a systematic, generational history of really disposing of women they find inconvenient."

To read the prologue from the new Callahan's new book on the Kennedys, click here.

For more information about "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," click here.

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