DOJ Drops Lawsuit Against Melania Trump’s Ex-Best Friend Stephanie Winston Wolkoff Who Wrote Tell-All Book


The Department of Justice (DOJ) launched its lawsuit against Winston Wolkoff in October after she published her memoir “Melania and Me,” the previous month.

The Department of Justice has dropped the lawsuit filed against Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, Melania Trump’s former best friend, who wrote a scathing tell-all book about the former first lady, according to reports. The DOJ launched its lawsuit against Winston Wolkoff in October, one month after she published her memoir “Melania and Me."

The DOJ told People in a statement this week that they "evaluated the case and concluded that dismissal without prejudice was in the best interests of the United States based on the facts and the law."

The DOJ did not provide any other information for dropping the lawsuit, Business Insider reported.

"I believe my story is one of moral resilience in the face of adversity, intimidation and emotional duress. The Trumps weaponized the Department of Justice against me in an effort to keep me muzzled from speaking the truth after they intentionally framed, falsely accused and criminally tied me to many investigations," Winston Wolkoff told People in a statement.

The Biden administration has asked for the resignations of former Trump DOJ officials with a transition that will likely happen this week, NBC reported.

"No one is above the law," Wolkoff added in her statement to People. "Thankfully in the Biden administration, people are being held accountable for their misdeeds, and those courageous enough to speak truth to power aren't being thrown into the lion's den."

The lawsuit alleged Wolkoff broke a non-disclosure agreement she signed when she was hired to work at the White House in the early days of the Trump administration. The government was seeking all the profits from the best-selling book.

The filing of the lawsuit came after Wolkoff released secretly recorded tapes she made of her conversations with the first lady, revealing an unfiltered Melania, lashing out about Christmas decorations and at Stormy Daniels.

In a statement to Inside Edition at the time the lawsuit was filed in October, Wolkoff called the lawsuit a “bullying tactic.”

“The President and First Lady’s use of the US Department of Justice to silence me is a violation of my First Amendment Rights and a blatant abuse of the government to pursue their own personal interests and goals,” the statement said.


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