Drunk Man Uses Uber to Send Injured Baby Bird to Wildlife Rescue Center

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah posted the story on Facebook along with images of the bird, whom they've nicknamed “Petey.”
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah said it received a call last week from a man who'd “had too many” drinks but wanted to save a baby bird.

A drunk Utah man discovered an injured baby bird and decided to hail an Uber to get it to a wildlife treatment center. 

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah said it received a call last week from a man who'd “had too many” drinks. But he'd found a baby lesser goldfinch struggling on the ground and wanted to save it. 

So, as the man was too drunk to drive, he heroically called an Uber to save the bird, according to The Associated Press.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah posted the story on Facebook along with images of the bird, whom they've nicknamed “Petey.” 

“NO, seriously, this little orphaned Lesser Goldfinch was the sole occupant of an Uber vehicle for a ride to WRCNU yesterday,” the post read. “While we feel we've seen it all and can't be amazed by anything, there is always SOMEONE out there to prove us wrong. Thank you to the rescuer who helped this little one get the care it needed in a timely manner and thank you for keeping yourself safe and others on the road safe as well!” 

The center’s director Dalyn Marthaler told the AP that the bird was thin and dehydrated but they expect it to make a full recovery.


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