Eek a Mouse! Rodent Hitches Ride on California Deputy's Cruiser

A mouse tried to hitch a ride on a cop car.
Hey! Slow down, deputy!Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Mouse hitches a ride on an Alameda County Sheriff's cruiser

A very tiny mouse generated a very big fan club after it hitched a ride on a California law enforcement cruiser.

The cute-as-heck rodent was photographed by deputy Brandon Dennington as it stood its back legs and peered through the windshield of the Alameda County Sheriff's patrol car.

Dennington was headed to a security assignment at Saturday's Golden State Warriors game, when the little mouse popped up on his windshield wiper. "Further investigation revealed the suspect was likely a San Antonio Spurs fan trying to intimate us," the sheriff's office wrote on its Facebook page.

The post and photograph garnered more than 3,600 likes and more than 2,640 shares.

The comments ran a gamut from bad puns to literary references. "I wonder if he 'ratted' on his friends," wrote Gary Herring. "Stuart Little ran away," wrote another poster. 

"I would have probably wrecked," posted Shirley Dale High. 

According to the department's post, deputy Dennington was able to "use de-escalation techniques and get the rabid fan off his car." The suspect is "four inches tall, weighing one ounce" and was last seen "on foot, running to a hiding place."


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