Jerry Seinfeld's Ex-Girlfriend

She is Jerry Seinfeld's ex-girlfriend and she says she was surprised to see his new show The Marriage Ref. INSIDE EDITION has more.

On the new show The Marriage Ref, Jerry Seinfeld dishes out advice to quarrelling couples.

But Susan McNabb says she was surprised to see the comedian weighing in on marital problems. McNabb is Seinfeld's ex-girlfriend.

"He was definitely a commitment-phobic when he was with me," she explains.

McNabb met Seinfeld at a comedy club in 1988 when she was just 25 years old. She says they dated for eight years.


"He always gave me flowers and I got great presents on Valentine's Day," she tells INSIDE EDITION.

McNabb was a model and says Seinfeld asked her for tips when he wrote the now-classic Seinfeld episode about George Costanza becoming a hand model.

She says Seinfeld broke up with her seven times before finally ending their relationship in 1993.

"I asked him, 'Just frankly, do you think you and I will ever get married?' and he said no," McNabb says.

But Seinfeld clearly has gotten over those commitment issues. He has been happily married to his wife Jessica for 10 years, and they have three children. As for Seinfeld's ex, she is writing a book based on their relationship and will admit one thing: "He was a great kisser!"


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