Kelly Preston Shares John Travolta's Mother's Day Video Online

Amid the allegations that John Travolta groped a masseur, which he denies, a touching Mother's Day video to his wife, Kelly Preston, has been posted online. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop. 

A touching tribute from John Travolta to his wife, Kelly Preston is a four-and-a-half minute video recalling the happiest and most intimate moments of their 20 year marriage. It's all played over Barbra Streisand singing the classic love song, "That Face."

The video was a Mother's Day gift from Travolta, but Preston just posted it online for the world to see - along with this message: "My husband, Johnny made his directorial debut creating a special Mother's Day video for me. I was so moved and love it so much that we wanted to share it with all of you."

The timing of going public with the video is lost on no one, as Travolta battles those shocking allegations from male massage therapists. Travolta has said the allegations are false.

Mike Fleeman of People magazine said, "This video is a strong message to the public that John and Kelly have a strong, loving, close marriage that they will endure anything."

The sentimental tribute starts with Travolta's message, "From me to you" and ends, "With all my love, Johnny."

There are some poignant, bittersweet moments. Several images show the Travolta's son Jett, who died tragically at age 15 in 2009.  

But the video ends upbeat with pictures of their third child, Benjamin, aged 16-months and the beginning of a new chapter of their lives.

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