After the missile attack on the hospital, the Russians launched a smear campaign on the mom, a beauty blogger, falsely accusing her of being a ''crisis actor."
An expectant mother photographed amid the rubble of a Ukrainian maternity hospital has given birth.
Baby Veronika was pictured snuggling with her mom on a hospital gurney, and being cradled in her father’s arms for the first time.
After the missile attack on the hospital, the Russians launched a smear campaign on the mom, a beauty blogger, falsely accusing her of being a ''crisis actor."
Meanwhile, there are growing fears that the Russian invaders may use chemical weapons. Ukrainian officials say they captured gas masks and other equipment used in biochemical warfare.
Networks broke into regular programming Friday as President Joe Biden issued a blunt warning to Vladimir Putin.
“Russia would pay a severe price if they use chemical weapons,” Biden said.
The noose is tightening around Ukrainian cities. Indiscriminate shelling has reduced whole neighborhoods to rubble.
In Mariupol, a city the size of Minneapolis, desperate residents are looting grocery stores in search of food.
Dramatic video shows Ukrainians fighting back in gun battles outside Kyiv.
In Kharviv, the wounded are being treated in hospital corridors away from the windows. A piece of shrapnel was removed from the base of an 8-year-old boy's skull. He's expected to recover.
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