Fisherman Falls From Boat Off Coast of Brazil, Survives by Clinging to Ocean Buoy for 2 Days

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David Soares, 43, was missing for two days and was rescued Tuesday by a fellow local fisherman after his boat had been found adrift in the Atlantic, according to BBC.

A fisherman had fallen off his boat in the Atlantic Ocean off the cost of Brazil and survived by clinging to life on an ocean buoy for two days, according to reports.

David Soares, 43, was missing for two days and was rescued Tuesday by a fellow local fisherman after his boat had been found adrift in the Atlantic, according to BBC.

He told local news outlet, Brazil G1, he had fallen from his fishing vessel on Christmas after setting sail from Atafona beach in northern Rio de Janeiro and swam for four hours before he came across the buoy, which he managed to scale.

“For me the first 10 minutes were the most difficult because I wanted to get back to the boat at all costs,” he told G1. "The water was choppy and it was windy... so I decided to let myself be carried along by the current in order to use less energy.”

Soares said that he “thought I would die of cold before any help would arrive," as he clung to the buoy. However, two days later, a local fisherman who was determined to find him came to the rescue, according to reports.

Sores has been treated for dehydration and has returned to fishing, BBC reported.

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