Florida Gator Missing Half its Jaw Rescued by 2 Trappers and Is ‘Resting Safely’

alligator with half a jaw
Facebook/Katrina Shadix

“He’s safely resting and will be transported tomorrow to a facility for further care,” non-profit Bear Warriors United said.

A Florida alligator that got national attention for missing half its jaw has been rescued.

Katrina Shadix took to Facebook in late August to ask if anyone could help the poor gator.

Luckily, on Thursday night Bear Warriors United, a non-profit organization focused on saving bears, posted an update saying that the gator had been caught.

It is unknown what caused the alligator to lose half its jaw but it is believed to have been another gator or a snare that likely caused the injury, Shadix said.

“He looks good other than his snout. He's not starving because he's pretty plump. His snout looks like it has healed as well. And please don't assume this was caused by an individual because no one really knows. Let's just concentrate on getting the little guy some help,” Jerry, who Shadix said was one of the few people in Seminole County allowed to catch and possess alligators, said.

After getting caught by two trappers, the gator was said to be resting safely before being taken to a care facility. 

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