12:47 PM PDT, April 9, 2018
They may be young, but they are inspirational.
15 Medical Marvel Babies

Ron, Elkanah and Abishai were born six weeks premature, and despite the health risks that threaten early-arrival babies, this trio did very well. The likelihood of identical triplets is estimated to be one in a million.
Conjoined Twins

Conjoined twins Erin and Abby Delaney spent 485 days in the hospital. In November 2017, they were able to finally go home after they were surgically separated. They had originally been fused at the top of their heads.
Quite the Recovery
The twins were initially placed in medically-induced comas due to brain bleeding following the surgery, but they made an exceptional recovery.
Miracle and Testimony
Miracle and Testimony were born conjoined at the lower half of their bodies, connected by their kidneys, colon and pelvises. Their legs were splayed out at a 90-degree angle.
A Miracle
The twins were successfully separated in November 2016, about a year after they were born in Nigeria.
Doctors at a hospital in Tennessee performed the 18-hour surgery. "This is a rare condition. This particular variation of conjoining occurs maybe in one of every 5 million births," said surgical leader Dr. Max Langham.
Conjoined at the Heart
Nobody believed Scarlett and Savannah could survive after they were born conjoined at the heart. Then the two babies underwent a long separation surgery in Florida.
Going Against the Odds
To prepare, the surgical team practiced on a 3D-printed conjoined heart.
The girls were able to go home after doctors performed the successful surgery in August 2016.
The Wonder Boy
Nathaniel Newman, now 13, was born without eye sockets, ears and cheekbones. He has a condition called Treacher Collins syndrome, which was recently depicted in the book Wonder Boy and the film adaptation, "Wonder."
Helping Others to Understand
Nathaniel's parents said the book has helped other kids accept their son.
Fused Vocal Chords
Maddie Caputo was born in August 2017 with her vocal cords fused together. She underwent an intense surgery to fix the issue and was saying her first words around the time of her first birthday.
A Skin Disease
At just four months old, tiny Charlie was diagnosed with psoriasis, a non-contagious skin condition. Charlie's mom refers to her as a "unicorn baby" because psoriasis is rarely seen on someone so young.
Holistic Treatments
The condition has no known cure. Charlie's mom treats Charlie's disease holistically, and says flare-ups have grown less severe over time. Charlie's mom wants people to realize that psoriasis isn't contagious and isn't something to fear.
Horrible Herpes
Doctors initially thought that little Sienna had horrific allergies or eczema because of her severe, painful blisters. It turns out that she had herpes. Her mother said an interaction with a family member in October 2015 caused the severe infection.
Making Progress
After being diagnosed, Sienna slowly healed. Her mother is hopeful that the virus won't return.
Fast Growing Skin
Evan Fasciano suffers from Harlequin ichthyosis, a rare genetic disorder that makes the skin grow at a high rate of speed. The condition leaves him covered in scales and also affects his motor skills. Despite all of this, he has a boisterous and positive attitude, his parents said in 2016.
Youngest Conjoined Twins Separated
Lydia and Maya are believed to be some of the youngest conjoined twins ever successfully separated.
A Success
The girls were born prematurely with their triplet sister and were conjoined at the liver and chest. They underwent a five-hour surgery in Switzerland after being alive for only eight days.
Extreme conditions led doctors to prepare for the death of both girls, but despite the terrifying odds, the sisters were separated and are reported to be doing well.
Baby Born Twice
Officially, Lynlee Boemer was born in June of 2016, but she was first removed from her mother's womb three months before that date.
A Survivor
When doctors found an abnormal tumor during an ultrasound, they needed to remove the fetus to perform surgery. A lot can go wrong, and quite often the fetus dies — but Little Lynlee survived.
Baby Born With Part of Skull Missing
Despite being born without half of his skull, Jaxon Buell is proving to be a miracle. Doctors only gave him a short amount of time to live, but Jaxon celebrated his third birthday in August 2017.
Gym Bag Baby
An infant was left in a gym bag with his umbilical cord still attached, but survived for several hours before he was discovered. The baby boy weighed less than five pounds when he was found in August 2017. The Division of Family and Children Services took custody of the infant, and as of last year the investigation was still ongoing.
A Walking Miracle
Her mother was told she would not be able to talk or walk with the condition pentalogy of Cantrell, in which the heart is exposed and covered by only a thin layer of skin. Almost all babies born with the condition die, but the nearly 9-year-old loves to dance and takes a hip-hop class.
Uterus Transplant Baby
A uterus transplant recipient had a baby in a first-of-its-kind live birth in 2017. The birth was a medical breakthrough.