7:25 AM PDT, May 31, 2018
People (and animals) are capable of some pretty incredible feats.
Most Knives Thrown Around a Human Target in 1 Minute
Dr. David R. Adamovich threw 102 14-inch knives at his partner Tina Nagy in New York in 2007.
Largest Margarine Sculpture
The largest margarine sculpture weighed in at 3,321.925 pounds. It was constructed by Devwrat Anand Jategaonkar in India in 2017.
The sculpture was more than 6 feet tall.
Oldest Male Stripper
The oldest male stripper was Bernie Barker, an American. He started stripping at the age of 60, and won more than 40 stripping contests. Barker passed away in 2007 at the age of 66.
Most Balls Caught by a Dog With Its Paws in 1 Minute
Purin, a 9-year-old female beagle, caught 14 balls in her paws in one minute in 2015. The feat was achieved in Japan with the help of her owner, Makoto Kumagai.
Most Hula Hoops Spun Simultaneously
The most hula hoops spun simultaneously was accomplished by Marawa Ibrahim of Australia, who has spun 200. She broke the record for the fourth time in Los Angeles in 2015.
Fastest Escape From a Straitjacket Underwater
The fastest straitjacket escape underwater was achieved by Lucas Wilson in 22.86 seconds. The Canadian set the record on the Italian show "Lo Show dei Record."
Longest Time Balancing on 4 Fingers
Wang Weibao has spent the most time balancing on four fingers with 19.23 seconds. He set the record in China in 2008.
Most Records
Ashrita Furman is Guinness World Records' most prolific record-breaker.
Furman, of Brooklyn, N.Y., holds the most Guinness World Records with more than 600 records. He currently holds more than 200, spanning a wide variety of talents.
Longest Tightrope Walk in High Heels
The longest tightrope walk in high heels was more than 49 feet and was achieved by Oxana Seroshtan of Russia on the set of the Italian show "Lo Show dei Record."
Largest Collection of 'Star Wars' Memorabilia
Steve Sansweet of the U.S. has collected 500,000 unique "Star Wars" items at Rancho Obi-Wan in California. Only 93,260 of the items had been accurately audited and cataloged as of May 4, 2015 (widely known as Star Wars Day), but that was enough to beat the previous record.
Longest Hair Extension
Nikola Kulezic applied the longest hair extension to Ivana Knezevic in Serbia in 2013. It measured 2,691 feet, 3 inches.
Tallest Full Mohican/Mohawk
The tallest full Mohican/Mohawk was 27 inches tall. The length was verified in 2008 on Eric Hahn in Nebraska.
Most Straws Stuffed in the Mouth (Hands Off)

The most straws stuffed in the mouth is 459. Manoj Kumar Maharana of India broke the record in 2017.
Most costume change illusions in one minute

Avery Chin and Sylvia Lim performed 24 costume changes for an illusion in one minute for a performance in Malaysia in 2017.
Longest Wedding Dress Train

The longest wedding dress train is 26,559 feet, 8 inches long. The feat was achieved by Dynamic Projects in France in 2017.
Most Hamburgers Eaten in 3 Minutes

Takeru Kobayashi ate 12 hamburgers in 3 minutes on the Italian show "Lo Show dei Record" in 2014.
The competitive eater from Japan has also eaten the most hot dogs in 3 minutes — six.
Most Alternative Control Methods Used to Complete Dark Souls

Benjamin Gwin finished the game Dark Souls with nine obscure controllers in Canada in 2016. He used a Rock Band guitar peripheral, Rock Band drum kit, Rock Band piano, Donkey Konga bongo drum, a microphone (using voice control), Wiimote, dance mat, steering wheel and an Xbox 360 pad.
Largest Bubble Gum Bubble Blown

Chad Fell blew a bubble gum bubble with a diameter of 20 inches in Alabama in 2004. He used three pieces of Dubble Bubble gum.
Tallest Living Married Couple

The tallest married couple is Sun Mingming and his wife Xu Yan of China who have a combined height of 13 feet, 10.72 inches. They were married in 2013.
Longest Eyeball Pop

Kim Goodman, of the U.S., can pop her eyeballs to protrude .47 inches beyond her eye sockets. Her eyes were measured in Turkey in 2007.
Goodman discovered what she could do with her eyes when she was hit on the head with a hockey mask.
Shortest Married Couple

The shortest married couple is Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katyucia Lie Hoshino, of Brazil, who measure a combined height of 71.42 inches. The couple married in 2016.
Most Functional Gadgets in a Cosplay Suit

Julian Checkley created a Batman cosplay suit with the most functional gadgets at 23 in Ireland in 2015.
The suit has a fireball launcher, tracking device, smoke bombs, and Batman's signature grappling gun.
Fastest Marathon in a 3-Person Costume

Evan Williams, Ian Williams and Graham O'Loughlin completed the fastest marathon in a three-person costume in 3 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds in London in 2017.
Largest Arcade Machine

The largest arcade machine is 14 feet 6 inches high and was created by Jason Camberis. It was verified for the record in Illinois in 2014.
Longest Wave Surfed by a Dog

The longest wave surfed by a dog measured 351.7 feet when it was conquered by Abbie Girl in San Diego in 2011. Her owner is Michael Uy.
Largest Human Mattress Dominoes
The largest line of human mattress dominoes was made up of 2,016 people and was organized by Stylution Int’l Corp. and Ayd Group in China in 2016.
Most Pi Decimal Places Memorized
The most decimal places of Pi memorized is 70,000. Rajveer Meena wore a blindfold and recited all of the numerals in March 2015. It took about 10 hours.
Longest-Ever Fingernails on a Pair of Female Hands
The longest fingernails belonged to American Lee Redmond, who started growing them in 1979 to a length of 28 feet, 4.5 inches. She lost them in an automobile accident in 2009.
Longest Time Holding Breath Voluntarily - Male
Aleix Segura Vendrell holds the record as the man who has held his breath voluntarily for the longest time, with 24 minutes, 3.45 seconds. He achieved the record in Spain in 2016.
Most Big Macs Consumed
Donald Gorske ate his 28,788th Big Mac in Wisconsin in 2016. He usually eats 14 Big Macs a week, and there have only been eight days in the past 44 years that he hasn't eaten a Big Mac.
Largest Whoopee Cushion
The largest whoopee cushion is 25 feet in diameter and was constructed by Matt Funk and Lee Burgess in Georgia in 2017.
Largest Mailbox
The largest mailbox is 5,743.41 cubic feet and was created by Jim Bolin in Illinois in 2015.
Visitors can climb a stairway and into the mailbox.
Most Children to Survive a Single Birth
Nadya Suleman gave birth to six boys and two girls in California in 2009. The babies were conceived with the aid of in-vitro fertilization treatment.
Longest Legs - Female
The longest legs on female measure 52.2 inches long on the left and 52 inches long on the right. They belong to Ekaterina Lisina and were measured in Russia in 2017.
Largest Working Rifle
The largest working rifle, built in 2008, is 33 feet 4 inches long and belongs to James A. DeCaine, of Michigan.
Largest Playing Card Structure
The largest playing card structure was more than 34 feet long, 11 feet wide and 9 feet tall and was a replica of The Venetian Macao. It was built in China by American Bryan Berg in 2010. It took him 44 days to stack 218,792 cards.
Fire Eating - Most Torches Extinguished in 30 Seconds
The most torches extinguished in 30 seconds with the mouth is 54. Bret Pasek achieved the feat in Minnesota in 2015.
Longest Time in an Abdominal Plank Position
The longest time in an abdominal plank position is 8 hours and 1 minute and was achieved by Mao Weidong in Beijing, China, in 2016.
Most Garters Removed with the Teeth in 1 Minute
Ivo Grosche removed 26 garters using his teeth in one minute in Germany in 2008.
High Score on 'Guitar Hero III' - Female
Annie Leung achieved the highest score on "Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock" with a score of 789,349 at her home in California in 2010.
Most People Lifted and Thrown by a Female in 2 Minutes
The most people lifted and thrown by a female in 2 minutes is 12. Aneta Florczyk, of Poland, achieved the record in 2008.
Farthest Distance Climbed Inverted up a Pole in 1 Minute
Nele Bruckman, of Germany, climbed 31 feet, 11 inches up a pole in 2007.
Fastest 10 Meters Traveled While Carrying a Table and Weight in the Mouth
Georges Christen, of Luxembourg, carried a table and weight in his mouth across 10 meters in 6.57 seconds in 2009.
Oldest Gymnast
The oldest gymnast is Johanna Quaas, of Germany, who is still competing at 86 years old.
Heaviest Vehicle Pulled by Shoulder Blades
Abhishek Choubey pulled a Hyundai Accent GVS 2004, weighing 2,358.94 pounds, with his shoulder blades in India in 2016.
Most Consecutive Stairs Climbed While Balancing a Person on the Head
The most consecutive stairs climbed while balancing a person on the head is 90. Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, of Vietnam, achieved the record in Spain in 2016.
Most Pull Ups in 24 Hours - Female
Eva Clarke, of Australia, holds the record for most pull-ups in 24 hours with 3,737.
Heaviest Aircraft Pulled - Male
Kevin Fast, of Canada, pulled a 413,299-pound CC-177 Globemaster III a distance of 28 feet, 10.46 inches in Canada in 2009.
Heaviest Vehicle Pulled More Than 100 Feet - Male
The heaviest vehicle pulled over 100 feet weighed in at 218,389 pounds. Kevin Fast also achieved this record in Canada in 2017.
Tallest Structure Built with Lego Bricks
The tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks was 114 feet, 11 inches tall and was achieved by Lego Italia in 2015.
Tallest Dog Still Living – Male
The tallest dog that's still alive is Freddy, owned by Claire Stoneman, in the United Kingdom. He was 3 feet 4.75 inches tall when he was measured in 2016.
Fastest Time to Reach One Million Followers on Twitter
The fastest time to reach one million followers on Twitter is 4 hours, 3 minutes, and was achieved by Caitlyn Jenner on June 1, 2015.
Heaviest Train Pulled by Teeth
Velu Rathakrishnan used his teeth to pull two trains weighing 574,964 pounds in Malaysia in 2003.
A Heartwarming Record
After a score, the crowd went wild in Hershey, Pennsylvania, by throwing teddy bears onto the ice. Dozens and dozens — actually thousands and thousands — kept on coming.
Over 50,000 teddy bears and stuffed animals were collected during the Hershey Bears AHL game versus the Hartford Wolf Pack.
And a new world record was set that breaks the last record set in 2019.
An Impressive Teenage Pilot
At 19, pilot Zara Rutherford completed a solo trip around the world by plane, making her the youngest woman to do so.
"It's just really crazy," Zara said afterward. "I haven't quite processed it, I think. I mean, coming here, I was basically in tears just trying to imagine what it would be like finally being home after five months. And even this flight wasn't easy, so I'm just super happy."
Zara now has a Guinness World Record as she heads to higher education, where she plans to study engineering
Nana Baubles
Her Christmas spirit earned her a Guinness World Record.
Sylvia Pope, aka "Nana Baubles" from Wales, has almost 18,000 Christmas ornaments, making her owner of the largest collection of Christmas bauble ornaments.
She proudly displays them in her home every year, and even though it takes her a while to put them all up, she says the reaction that she gets from her family is priceless.
"When my grandchildren brought their children here, and they saw what I'd done to the ceiling," Pope said, "they were, 'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.' Every year they can't wait for them to go up. They know that it's coming toward Christmas."
A Beautiful Collection of Brooches
Adam Wide owns the largest collection of Christmas brooches. He has close to 8,000 of them and says his obsession started on a whim.
"I thought, that's rather nice — gay man, sparkly thing in a cabinet," he explained. "So I bought my very first brooch. But as soon as I started buying them and getting involved and interested in brooches, it became absolutely obsessive. It's fascinating."
Since starting his collection about 40 years ago, he estimates it is now worth £350,000.
One Impressively Strong Man
British Strongman John Evans has broken his 99th world record by balancing a smoking chimney on his head, all while in a Santa suit.
Evans discovered his talent for strength and balance during his time working in construction as a teen. "I was about 17, 18. I used to carry bricks on my head on a board...taking 24 bricks on my head up ladders," he told Reuters.
"When I was about 42...I went and done this charity event and it made huge press that all the papers came and photographed me, and all the television came and done the same and I was just balancing then about 24 bricks on my head,"
The man is now well into his 70's, and despite his medical conditions, he continues to topple records
Evans has plans to continue his record breaking feats for his upcoming 75th birthday.
The World's Largest Orchestras
Thousands of musicians, primarily children and adolescents, performed at Venezuela's military academy over the weekend. They had one goal in mind: setting the record as the world's largest orchestra.
The musicians, all from the country's network of youth orchestras, performed a roughly 10-minute Tchaikovsky piece outdoors with independent supervisors looking on to verify that over 8,097 instruments were playing simultaneously, which would break the current record.
The World's Largest Potato
Meet Doug. Doug is what Colin and Donna Craig-Brown from New Zealand have named their enormous potato. Perhaps the world's biggest potato, or at least that's what the couple hopes to find out.
Colin Craig-Brown said they were simply weeding the garden when they found Doug.
The current Guinness record holder for the largest potato is an 11-pound spud from England. Doug weighs in at 17.4 pounds.
The Craig-Browns are waiting to hear if Doug will get the Guinness World Record certification. And while they wait, Doug is chilling in the freezer.
A Mind-Blowing Portuguese Stuntman
Portuguese stunt performer Kevin Chaves is currently in a record-breaking attempt to perform his Rola Bola motorbike act in 50 cities worldwide.
The 21-year-old, who performs with Circus Berlin, does this by balancing on skateboards stacked on a motorbike.
"Well, I performed the skateboard stunt which I balance on a cylinder, which is my act," Chaves said. "It takes a lot of practice, a lot of years, but I decided to do it here in London to try and break the record."
As part of his record-breaking attempt, Chaves is taking his talents to cities including Paris, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Brussels.
World's Tallest Ferris Wheel
This is one Ferris wheel that would be terrifying to get stuck on top of.
Ain Dubai, Arabic for "Dubai Eye," is officially the world's largest and highest Ferris wheel, standing 820 feet tall.
The Dubai Eye is almost double the size of the London Eye and can welcome 1,750 visitors at a time.
The Dubai Eye took almost eight years to build. As it takes 38 minutes to make a full rotation, pretty sure they aren't recommending it for anyone afraid of heights.
Tallest Living Woman
She used to be the tallest living teenager, but now Rumeysa Gelgi of Turkey is all grown up and is the tallest living woman.
"I feel very proud to receive this new record title as the tallest living woman," Gelgi said.
Guinness World Records has certified the 24-year-old in its record book, measuring her at just over 7 feet tall.
Gelgi's height is a result of Weaver syndrome. It's a rare condition that can start before birth and causes rapid growth.
World's Largest and Heaviest Cargo Plane
Eight Ukrainian strongmen set a national record by pulling the world’s largest and heaviest cargo plane.
Built in the Soviet Union in 1988, the Antonov An-225 Mriya was developed to transport the Soviet Buran Space Shuttle and other heavy cargo.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, the Buran program was shut down and the plane was left in Ukraine.
Now, eight strongmen have made history where the plane is concerned
Placed in two lines, the athletes managed to move the plane 4.3 meters, or a little more than 13 feet, in a minute and 13 seconds.
Representatives from Ukraine’s national record book said they will apply for the Guinness record as well.
The feat was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence
Tallest Man Passes Away
The tallest man in the United States, Igor Vovkovinskiy, died from heart disease, according to his mother.
At 7 feet, 8 and a third inches, Igor was certified by Guinness World Records as the U.S.’ tallest man in 2010.
He came to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota from Ukraine in 1989 because a tumor pressing against his pituitary gland caused it to secrete excessive amounts of growth hormone.
Igor had his struggles, especially when it came to finding comfortable clothing and shoes. In 2012 he put out a plea for donations to have specialty shoes made so he can walk without pain.
While thousands of people donated to his cause, Reebok gave him the shoes for free.
Igor was known around his Minnesota community as a gentle giant and will not soon be forgotten. He was 38 years old.
The World's Strongest Great Grandma
Edith Murway not only celebrated her 100th birthday, but she’s also celebrated her entry into the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest competitive powerlifter in the female category.
This decorated athlete from Florida said she only started lifting nine years ago after her first visit to the gym. “I was 91, and I started lifting on a regular basis,” Edith said. “I never expected I would be in a competition.
Despite her shelves of accolades, Edith said she wants more. She last competed in September 2019 before the pandemic hit, but with the help of her trainer, she’s gearing up for another meet in the fall.
World's Biggest Mouth
Samantha Ramsdell became an internet sensation when she started posting wacky videos of what she can fit into her mouth.
“People were commenting and giving all of these different food items to try and I would do them, obligingly,” Ramsdell told Inside Edition.
The 31-year-old performer holds a Guinness World Record for the world’s biggest mouth for a female. Her mouth measures 5.7 inches wide and 2.56 inches long.
“My mouth has always been my most unique feature,” Ramsdell said.