Good Samaritan Stops to Battle Blaze Before It Consumes Home

Inside Edition spoke to the hero.

When Alex Hillers noticed flames rising from a house, he jumped into to action, pulling over on his motorcycle and grabbing a garden hose to try to put out the blaze, in a heroic moment caught on camera. 

At first, he struggled to get the water flowing, but then he saw the hose was kinked and began untangling. Finally, a spray of water burst out, and he set to hosing down the fence and a backyard patio structure completely engulfed in flames.

He kept the flames at bay until fire officials were able to arrive.

Inside Edition spoke to the hero.

"I was wearing my full body armor and my helmet," Hillers said. "It was extraordinarily hot, I almost passed out a few times."

He added: "I happened to be at the wrong place at the right time."


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